Managing personal finances can be a slog for most people, let alone small business finances. From when to bill clients to how to track every penny, more money is lost in disorganization than most business owners would like to admit.
How to Block Business Fraudsters During the Coronavirus
Fraud is defined as any dishonest or illegal activities used to gain a financial advantage, and it can be done by either individuals or companies.
The API Definition - What is an API?
What is the API definition? Why does this matter to you and your business?
The API Revolution Boosts Identity Proofing Services
The average person has more than 80 apps downloaded onto their smartphone, using nine of these apps daily.
Can Your API Be More Successful as a Standalone Product?
While just about every developer and software engineer spends some time daydreaming about creating the next TikTok or Twitter, application programming interfaces (APIs) are the revenue-generating workhorses today's apps depend on.
How To Check If a Financial Institution Accepts ACH Debits
When you need a flexible solution for cross-institutional information on the banking activity of a consumer, working with a company you can rely on is necessary and valuable.
Fintech Applications On The Rise
Financial technology (fintech) has seen a lot of interest over the past several years.
Access Bank Account Data Using Financial REST APIs
Online applications are becoming more and more a part of everyday lending.
Importance of MFA and verification layers for millennial information
If there's one consumer group that retailers - and business owners in general - would be wise to tap into, millennials just might be the pick of the bunch. Born between the early 1980s and 2000s, millennials in the U.S.