A secure, reliable resource for all your data needs
Thousands of businesses count on MicroBilt for
their consumer data transactions.
From credit originations to background screening, to employee verification, skip tracing and collections, MicroBilt’s vast data warehouse provides a complete set of API tools from a single, convenient source.
99.99% uptime
Data refreshed in real time
Bank grade data encryption
Quality data, continually updated, and delivered reliably to your applications.
As a pioneer in consumer and alternative credit data, MicroBilt offers companies and developers a secure, reliable resource for all your data needs. Our databases are protected by the highest industry encryption standards and our data is continually refreshed to ensure you’re getting the most recent information available.
Technical support and customer service you’ll appreciate.
We’ve been working with companies and their data needs for three decades. Our customer service is among the most accessible and efficient in the industry. If you’re looking for help or have questions, your MicroBilt customer service representative will be there to help you out.
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