How do I demo a MicroBilt API product?

Check out the Quick Start Guide for help.

To demo any MicroBilt API you have to do two things:

First, register to be able to create test key.

Next, create a test key for the API you want to test.

Steps for Registering

  1. Select Register in the navigation bar or choose an API from the APIs. Click through to the detail page and select Register to test this API.
  2. You will see a brief form to complete and submit.
  3. You will receive an email to confirm your registration.
  4. You can then log in as a registered user.

Steps for Creating a Test Key

  1. Once registered and logged in, go to My Keys and select Add A New Key.
  2. Name your key, select the API you want to test and click Create Key.
  3. Once your key is created, return to the APIs, select the API, and then update the 0Auth 2.0 with your new key.